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AUC Bulletin 2020-15 – Reducing Regulatory Burden: Checklist Application Pilot Project for Low-risk Electric Transmission and Gas Utility Pipeline Applications

Link to Bulletin Summarized

Bulletin – Pilot Project

The AUC is introducing a pilot project to assess the effectiveness of reduced application requirements for the following facility application types:

Electric Transmission Facilities

  • Letters of enquiry for minor substation alterations.

  • Letters of enquiry for minor transmission line alterations.

  • Time extensions for transmission facilities.

Gas Utility Pipelines – Tier 1 Applications

  • Record amendments.

  • Self-disclosures.

  • Pipeline splits due to as-built review.

  • Abandonment applications filed within 90 days of completing the abandonment operation.

  • Low-pressure conversions.

  • Maximum operating pressure changes.

  • Surface pipeline removals.

  • Pipeline splits and abandonments requested and paid for by a third party.

For the application types listed above, applicants are currently required to file an application and all supporting documents such as environmental evaluations, participant involvement program summaries, etc. Depending upon the application, this can include multiple documents.

During the pilot project, applicants will only be required to file a single-page checklist confirming that the regulatory requirements for the application have been met and, in some cases, a draft of the amended approval or licence they are requesting. Applicants will not be required to file any other related supporting documents. Applicants will be required to keep on file the related supporting documents as they may be required to respond to an AUC audit request. The AUC intends to audit between 10 and 15 percent of applications to assess compliance.

The goals of this pilot project are to reduce the regulatory burden and maintain the effectiveness and credibility of the regulatory system.

Next Steps for Applicants

The AUC has prepared forms for the checklist applications and accompanying instructional documents for completing the forms. Applicants can use the new checklist approach effective immediately.

Assessment of Effectiveness

The AUC will evaluate the effectiveness of this pilot project over the next 12 months. The AUC will also assess over that time whether to develop specified penalties for any non-compliance identified in post-approval audits.

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