Bulletin – COVID-19 – Industry Relief
On April 9, 2020, the AER announced that Alberta Environment and Parks and Alberta Energy have temporarily suspended a number of reporting requirements that affect Alberta’s energy industry. The AER noted that physical distancing and other safety protocols put in place to support the COVID-19 response might impact the availability of industry staff and limit the capacity to comply with reporting requirements.
Alberta Energy Ministerial Order
Alberta Energy has suspended certain requirements regarding reporting of information:
pursuant to provisions in the Coal Conservation Rules and approvals;
pursuant to provisions in the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules, directives, approvals, licences;
under Directive 013: Suspension Requirements for Wells and section 3.020 of the Oil and Gas Conservation Rules; and
pursuant to provisions in the Oil Sands Conservation Rules and approvals for both oil sands mining and in situ.
Alberta Environment and Parks Ministerial Order
Alberta Environment and Parks has suspended requirements to report:
information pursuant to provisions in approvals or registrations authorized under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act;
information pursuant to provisions in licences or approvals authorized under the Water Act; and
information required under a formal disposition under the Public Lands Act.
While certain reporting requirements have been suspended, the AER noted that this direction does not affect monitoring requirements, which must continue to be met. During the period of temporary suspensions, parties must continue to record and retain complete documentation and make it available upon request.