COVID-19 Updates
AUC Defers Live Proceedings to Reduce COVID-19 Risk (AUC Bulletin 2020-06)
On March 12, 2020, the AUC announced that, as part of its response to COVID-19, the AUC would immediately defer all public hearings, consultations or information sessions until further notice. The AUC indicated that, should there be an essential economic requirement to proceed with a hearing or other normally public proceeding, written or remote-participation options would be explored with parties.
AUC Announces Two Measures in Response to COVID-19 Threat (AUC Bulletin 2020-07)
On March 17, 2020, the AUC announced the following two measures in response to the COVID-19 risk:
AUC offices are closed. However, AUC teams remain engaged on files; and
the AUC would, in response to a request from retailers and distribution utilities, lead an industry-wide process for consultations to coordinate customer relief efforts.
AUC Supports Government Directed Option Utility Bill Payment Deferral (AUC Bulletin 2020-08)
On March 18, 2020, the AUC announced its support for the Alberta Government’s direction, on the same day, that consumers be given the option to defer payment of their utility accounts in light of the financial pressures arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The initial deferred payment period would last for 90 days with the potential for further extensions.
The AUC indicated it would lead and coordinate the overall approach to the payment deferral policy. The AUC would be bringing together utility and consumer representatives to provide recommendations to the AUC on the regulatory treatment of the deferred account balances and carrying costs arising from the deferred collection of accounts.
AUC Supports Implementation of 90-Day Utility Bill Payment Deferral Option (AUC 2020-03-18-Announcement)
Link to Announcement Summarized
On March 18, 2020, the AUC released an announcement which relayed much of the information in Bulletin 2020-08. However, the announcement also noted that the AUC has already scheduled a meeting with utilities, competitive retailers, gas co-operatives, rural electrification associations, etc. so all the necessary details can be put in place right away. The AUC also noted that, in the past, the AUC had implemented focused programs that were put in place in locations hit by disaster, including following wildfires in High Level and Fort McMurray.
Further, the AUC indicated that Alberta’s emergency situation and the deferral program would be monitored over the next quarter to determine if it should be extended or modified.
Statement from AUC Chair Mark Kolesar Regarding COVID-19 (AUC 2020-03-27-Announcement)
Link to Announcement Summarized
On March 27, 2020, the AUC Chair, Mark Kolesar, made a statement regarding COVID-19. Mr. Kolesar extended his thanks to everyone working hard in the utility sector to keep essential services available. He noted that now more than ever, the AUC is committed to ensuring Albertans continue to receive safe and reliable utility service by working with utility providers and assisting the government.
Mr. Kolesar indicated that he had been in discussions with utility companies and the electric system operator to see what activities must be prioritized, how shared responsibilities would be approached and, most importantly, to ensure coordination on critical initiatives. Mr. Kolesar noted that the AUC is leading the government’s billing deferral initiative to ensure help is available for those in need. Further, he noted that the AUC is re-evaluating its work efforts in light of the crisis. For example, the AUC has taken the extraordinary step to pause the enforcement of specified penalties of utility billing infractions to allow the utilities to focus on priority work.
Suspension of Specified Penalties Program for Self-Reported Contraventions (AUC Bulletin 2020-10)
On March 27, 2020, the AUC announced that it was introducing measures to ensure Alberta’s electric and natural gas utilities, service providers and retailers can focus their resources on putting measures in place to respond to the Alberta Government’s utility payment deferral program. The AUC indicated it is exercising its regulatory discretion under AUC Rule 032: Specified Penalties for Contravention of AUC Rules, and putting in place the following measures:
1. no new notices of specified penalty for any contraventions that arose prior to March 18, 2020, will be issued during the 90-day deferral period from March 18 to June 18, 2020. Any notices of specified penalty issued prior to March 18, 2020, will continue in effect. Any notices of specified penalty issued prior to March 18, 2020, will continue in effect.
2. after June 18, 2020, for any self-reported contraventions that arose prior to March 18, 2020, the AUC will only consider issuing notices of specified penalty for contraventions that resulted in disconnections of a customer’s site in error if that customer’s site was disconnected for a period in excess of 24 hours. A notice of specified penalty will not be issued for any other self-reported contraventions.
3. after June 18, 2020, for any self-reported contraventions that arise during the 90-day deferral period, the Commission will only consider issuing notices of specified penalty for contraventions that resulted in disconnections of a customer’s site in error if that customer‘s site was disconnected for a period in excess of 24 hours. A notice of specified penalty will not be issued for any other self-reported contraventions.
AUC Supports Market Surveillance Administrator Action Regarding Compliance With Reliability Standards (AUC Bulletin 2020-12)
On March 31, 2020, the AUC announced it supports the Market Surveillance Administrator (“MSA”)’s action regarding compliance with reliability standards. On March 30, 2020, the MSA announced a relaxation on enforcement of certain Alberta Electric System Operator and market participant reliability standards for the period March 1, 2020, to July 31, 2020. The AUC indicated this action and others like it allow industry to prioritize resources in order to respond to the COVID-19 crisis most effectively.