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Amendments to AUC Rule 003, AUC Bulletin 2020-09

Link to Bulletin Summarized

AUC Rules

On March 23, 2020, the AUC approved amendments to Rule 003: Service Standards for Energy Service Providers, with an effective date of March 23, 2020. The changes reduce reporting requirements to increase efficiency and reduce regulatory burden.

In alignment with the AUC’s strategic plan theme to increase efficiency and to limit regulatory burden, the AUC has approved additional changes to reduce reporting requirements under Rule 003. Specifically, reporting under Section 3.4.3 is no longer required. The AUC has updated the reporting templates to reflect this change.

Entities may still provide the AUC with a self-disclosure statement as outlined in sections 5(4) and 5(5) of Rule 032. These self-disclosure statements can be sent to the enforcement division at

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