Noise Control
The AUC indicated it is amending subsection 2.6(2) of AUC Rule 012: Noise Control to address an inconsistency in how the phrase “pristine area” is used in Rule 012. The “pristine area” concept is important when determining ambient sound levels and permissible sound levels under Rule 012.
Subsection 2.6(2), which was added to Rule 012 in April 2019, states as follows:
The average nighttime ambient sound level in rural Alberta is approximately 35dBA. Rule 012 does not require the use of a specific ambient sound level in a noise impact assessment. Applicants must assess the ambient sound level as part of a noise impact assessment, particularly where either noisy (i.e., nighttime ambient sound levels might be greater than 35dBA) or pristine (i.e., nighttime ambient sound levels might be less than 35dBA) surroundings prevail. [Emphasis added]
To promote consistency and certainty in the interpretation and application of the “pristine area” concept, the AUC has amended subsection 2.6(2) so that it reads as follows:
The average nighttime ambient sound level in rural Alberta is approximately 35dBA. Rule 012 does not require the use of a specific ambient sound level in a noise impact assessment. Applicants must assess the ambient sound level as part of a noise impact assessment, particularly in areas where there is non-energy industrial activity that would impact the ambient sound levels or where pristine (as defined in Appendix 1) surroundings prevail. [Emphasis added]
“Pristine area” is defined in Appendix 1 of Rule 012 as “[a] natural area that might have a dwelling but no industrial presence, including energy, agricultural, forestry, manufacturing, recreational or other industries that affect the noise environment.”
The amendment came into force on March 2, 2020.