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Amendments to AUC Rule 002, Rule 003 and Rule 032 (AUC Bulletin 2019-21)

Link to Bulletin Summarized

AUC Rules

On November 22, 2019, the AUC approved amendments to Rule 002: Service Quality and Reliability Performance Monitoring and Reporting for Owners of Electric Distribution Systems and for Gas Distributors, Rule 003: Service Standards for Energy Service Providers and Rule 032: Specified Penalties for Contravention of AUC Rules, with an effective date of January 1, 2020.

The approved changes are summarized as follows:

  • Rule 002 – Reporting requirements related to tariff billing removed from the rule and the template;

  • Rules 002 and 003 – Complaint response reporting requirement removed from the rules and their respective templates; and

  • Rule 032 – The 120-day rolling period previously used to determine the amount of the specified penalty, changed to a fixed, calendar-quarter period.

The AUC noted that there will be further consultation on Rules 002 and 032 in 2020.

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