On November 6, 2020, the amendments to Rule 017: Procedures and Process for Development of ISO Rules and Filing of ISO Rules with the Alberta Utilities Commission, which were approved on October 19, 2020, came into effect.
The AUC initiated a rule review process in July 2020, seeking feedback from stakeholders on changes to Rule 017. Proposed changes involved the removal of references to the capacity market, the introduction of a new section that would permit the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) to streamline its consultation and application process for making administrative changes to existing ISO rules, and the removal of numerous mandatory requirements in the rule.
To address the concerns expressed by stakeholders regarding the responsiveness from the AESO, the AUC will be keeping the requirements for the AESO to provide a copy of any data, analyses or other material that the AESO considers to be relevant to the need for, the development of, removal of, or renewal of a proposed rule (section 4.3(b) of Rule 017) and provide written responses to the submissions of stakeholders (section 5.3 of Rule 017) early in the consultation process.