Bulletin 2019-11 – OneStop Pre-Application Manual
On May 16, 2019, the AER issued Bulletin 2019-11: Public Land Disposition Applications Moving to OneStop. The updates were delayed and implemented effective August 22, 2019.
The AER indicated that as of August 22, 2019 submissions outlined in Bulletin 2019-11 would move from the Electronic Disposition System to OneStop.
The AER also released Manual 018: OneStop Pre-Application Manual, outlining preapplication considerations for operators applying through the AER’s OneStop system for public land dispositions for energy resource activities. However, Manual 018 only applies to dispositions issued by the AER under the Public Lands Act, the Public Lands Administration Regulation, and the Mines and Minerals Act, including formal dispositions, authorizations, and approvals as announced in Bulletin 2019-11.