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AUC Bulletin 2019-10: AUC Rule 007 – Initiation of a Review and Stakeholder Consultation Process

Rule 007 – Review – Consultation Process

In this bulletin, the AUC announced that it had initiated a review of AUC Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations and Hydro Developments (“Rule 007”). The goal of the review was to update and streamline existing requirements to make the application process more efficient for applicants, intervenors, and the AUC.

As part of this review, the AUC sought stakeholder comments on the following issues:

(a) Indigenous consultation;

(b) end-of-life management for power plants;

(c) emergency response plan;

(d) time extension applications for power plants;

(e) notification and participant involvement program;

(f) solar glint and glare assessment;

(g) shadow flicker;

(h) review of buildable area concept for wind development; and

(i) battery storage.

The AUC indicated the Rule 007 review would proceed in two stages:

(a) Stage 1: The AUC will first review stakeholder feedback in response to this bulletin and draft potential rule changes on each of the specific issues identified. Following that review, the AUC will invite further stakeholder comments and suggestions on the proposed changes that are introduced.

(b) Stage 2: The AUC will incorporate the feedback received for each of the specific specific issues and incorporate all of the changes into a complete blackline revision to Rule 007, which will be circulated to stakeholders for final review and comment. It is anticipated that the second stage of the review will be initiated in early 2020.

Stakeholders can use the AUC Engage consultation tool, on the AUC website, to provide general comments on any of the listed topics.

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