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AUC Bulletin 2019-09: Interim Information Requirements for Solar and Wind Energy Power Plant Applications

Solar Energy – Wind Energy – Rule 007

In this bulletin, the AUC announced new interim information requirements for wind and solar energy projects. These new information requirements apply to all new wind and solar energy Rule 007: Applications for Power Plants, Substations, Transmission Lines, Industrial System Designations and Hydro Developments (“Rule 007”) applications filed on or after October 1, 2019.

Solar Glare Assessment

Solar glint and glare refers to a direct reflection of the sun in the surface of the photovoltaic solar panel. Generally, glint is a momentary flash of bright light while glare is a continuous source of bright light. Shadow flicker refers to the flickering effect caused when rotating wind turbine blades periodically cast shadows over neighbouring properties as they turn, through constrained openings such as windows.

Applicants for new solar energy projects must include a solar glare assessment in their Rule 007 application. The solar glare assessment must describe the time, location, duration, and intensity of solar glare predicted to be caused by the project. It should also describe the potential impact on dwellings and transportation routes surrounding the proposed solar energy project, and any mitigation measures proposed. Applicants are required to identify the software or tools used in their assessment, the assumptions of input parameters utilized, and the qualification of the person performing the assessment.

Shadow Flicker Assessments

Applicants for new wind energy projects must include a shadow flicker assessment in their Rule 007 application. The shadow flicker assessment must describe the time, location and duration of the shadow flicker predicted to be caused by the project. It should also describe any potential impact upon residential and non-residential buildings surrounding the proposed wind energy project, and any mitigation measures proposed. Applicants are required to identify the software or tools used in its assessment, the assumptions of input parameters utilized, and the qualification of the person performing the assessment.

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