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Alliance Pipeline Ltd. – Application for Clairmont Meter Station Decommissioning and Reclamation (NEB Abandonment Hearing MHW-003-2017)

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In this letter decision, the NEB considered Alliance Pipeline Ltd.’s (“Alliance”) application for final site decommissioning and reclamation of the Clairmont Meter Station and related facilities (the “Facilities”).

The NEB granted Alliance leave to abandon the Facilities, subject to conditions.

NEB Findings

The NEB found that:

(a) the project’s proposed activities were consistent with the legislative requirements related to abandonment of piping under the National Energy Board Act (the “NEB Act”) and the National Energy Board Onshore Pipeline Regulations and that abandoning the facilities by removal was acceptable in the circumstances;

(b) anyone potentially affected by the project was given sufficient notice and had the opportunity to voice their concerns;

(c) the design and implementation of consultation activities were appropriate for the scale and scope of the project;

(d) Alliance had sufficient funds to carry out the proposed abandonment activities; and

(e) given the limited scope and duration of abandonment activities, the project was not likely to cause any significant socio-economic effects.

Regarding environmental matters, the NEB found that:

(a) the proposed activities would occur within a largely fenced area on previously disturbed lands;

(b) the site of the proposed activities was surrounded by agricultural lands, providing limited wildlife habitat;

(c) no watercourses or wetlands were located within 30 metres; and

(d) the proposed timing of the project activities is in the fall, after the migratory bird breeding season.

Order and Conditions

The NEB grated Alliance leave to abandon the Facilities subject to certain conditions, including:

(a) Alliance shall abandon the Facilities in accordance with the specifications, standards, commitments made, and other information referred to in its Application;

(b) Alliance shall implement or cause to be implemented, all of the policies, practices, programs, mitigation measures, recommendations, commitments and procedures for the protection of the environment included in or referred to in its Application;

(c) Alliance shall file with the NEB, at least seven days prior to commencing abandonment activities, an Environmental Protection Plan for the abandonment of the Facilities; and

(d) Unless the NEB otherwise directs prior to August 28, 2018, the abandonment order shall expire on August 28, 2018, unless abandonment activities commenced by that date.

Given the nature and scope of the project, and the implementation of the NEB’s conditions, the NEB found that any residual environmental effects would be of limited geographic extent, short-term (in the order of weeks or months), reversible and of low magnitude.

The NEB concluded that the carrying out of the abandonment project was not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects.


Based on the foregoing, the NEB granted Alliance leave to abandon the Facilities.

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