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AUC Bulletin 2018-17: Electric Distribution System Inquiry

Electricity – Regulatory Framework

In this bulletin, the AUC indicated it was opening an inquiry into Alberta’s changing electric distribution system. The purpose of the inquiry is to map out the key issues related to the future of the electric distribution grid and to aid in developing the necessary regulatory framework to accommodate the evolution of the electric system.

In general, the AUC intends for the inquiry to help answer three fundamental questions:

(a)     How will technology affect the grid and incumbent electric distribution utilities; and how quickly?

(b)     Where alternative approaches to providing electrical service develop, how will the incumbent electric distribution utilities be expected to respond and what services should be subject to regulation?

(c)     How should the rate structures of the distribution utilities be modified to ensure that price signals encourage electric distribution utilities, consumers, producers, prosumers and alternative technology providers to use the grid and related resources in an efficient and cost-effective way?

Interested parties can provide comments in the AUC’s eFiling System under Proceeding 24116 by January 18, 2019.

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