Compliance Filing – Transmission Deferral Account
ATCO Electric Ltd. (“ATCO”) submitted its second compliance filing for its 2012 Transmission Deferral Account and Annual Filing for Adjustment Balances application. The AUC had previously considered the application in Decision 3509-D01-2015 and Decision 2014-283. In both instances the AUC ordered a re-filing, and issued directions to ATCO. In this refiling application, ATCO proposed a one-time refund to the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) in the amount of $30.816 million.
The AUC issued six directions to ATCO in Decision 3509-D01-2015. The AUC determined that ATCO fully complied with Directions 1, 2, and 3.
With respect to Direction 4, ATCO submitted that it removed the disallowed legal costs in the amount of $385,000. With respect to Direction 5, ATCO submitted that it removed the one-time net present value for the NE Loop disallowances from the refund summary schedule, as the present value methodology for truing up capital disallowances was still under consideration in Proceeding 3378. ATCO submitted that it would file an application at a later date to settle the impact of the disallowance.
The AUC determined that ATCO complied with both Direction 4 and Direction 5 from Decision 3509-D01-2015.
The AUC noted that the remaining directions from prior decisions would be considered in future applications, and were therefore not addressed.
As ATCO had complied with all the outstanding directions, the AUC directed ATCO to refund the AESO for the total 2012 annual adjustment amount of $30.816 million in the month of September 2015.