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Bulletin 2016-15: 2016 AER Administration Fees (Industry Levy)

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Levy – Industry Fees – Bulletin

The AER announced its industry levy in the amount of $238,403,000 for 2016-2017. The industry levy represents the revenue required to support AER operations, as approved by the Government of Alberta, and set out in the AER Administration Fees Rules (“AFR”) as follows:

May1 (00093425xC5DFB).png


Invoices for administration fees under the industry levy will be mailed out on May 18, 2015, and are sent to and payable by the party that was the operator as of December 31, 2015. The AER provided a breakdown of the fees payable for oil and gas operators, sorted by total production amounts as follows:

May 2 (00093426xC5DFB).png


For oil sands production, the AER set the allocation based on the following categories:

May 3 (00093427xC5DFB).png


With respect to coal production, the AER set the administration fee based on each mine’s share of total production volumes, and set the industry levy as $0.130190 per tonne of coal.

The AER also included in the industry levy, the collection of $3,115,105 to fund the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund in 2016. The AER advised that payment of all invoices is required by June, 2015, regardless of whether an appeal has been filed or not.

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