Link to Decision SummarizedGas - Tolls In this decision, the CER denied the application from Canadian Natural Resources Limited (“CNRL”) pursuant to section 226 and subsection 239(2) of the Canadian Energy Regulator Act (“CER Act”) requesting an order to receive,...
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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
Campus Energy Partners Suffield Application for Suffield North Pipeline Tolls and Terms and Conditions and Complaints re Suffield Processing Limited Partnership – CER Letter Decision RH-002-2020
Link to Decision SummarizedGas - Tolls - Terms and Conditions In this decision, the CER considered the application from Campus Energy Partners Suffield LP by its general partner Campus Energy Partners Operations Inc. (“Campus”) regarding tolls and terms and conditions...
THE EXPLORERS AND PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION OF CANADA (EPAC) Application to Extend the NGTL Temporary Service Protocol (TSP), CER Decision File OF-Tolls-Group1-N081-2020-03 01 and Order TG-001-2021
Link to Decision SummarizedReview and Variance - Supply and Markets - Toll Principles In this decision, the CER dismissed the Explorers and Producers Association of Canada (“EPAC”)’s application to extend the NOVA Gas Transmission (“NGTL”) Gas Transportation Temporary...