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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

Remington v. Enmax, 2019 ABCA 69

The ABCA granted the appeal of the ABQB’s direction that Enmax withdraw the SRB Compensation Application. The appeal of the dismissal of Enmax’s application for a stay of the Action was dismissed.

Request for Regulatory Appeal by Elizabeth Métis Settlement (AER Regulatory Appeal Nos: 1913250 and 1913252)

In this decision, the AER considered the Elizabeth Métis Settlement (“EMS”)’s request for a regulatory appeal of the AER’s decisions to issue Approval Nos.: 73534-01-02 under the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (“EPEA”) (the “EPEA Approval”) and 8558MM under the Oil Sands Conservation Act (“OSCA”) (the “OSCA Approval) (collectively, the “Approvals”) to Imperial Oil Resources Ltd. (“Imperial”). The AER granted the request for regulatory appeal, finding that EMS was an eligible person under section 38 of the Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”).

Request for Regulatory Appeal by Joslyn Energy Development IncorporateD (AER Decision)

In this decision, the AER considered Joslyn Energy Development Incorporated’s (“JEDI”) request for a regulatory appeal of an AER decision approving Suncor’s requested amendments to its commercial scheme operating approval for its Millennium oil sands mine (the “Amending Approval”).

The AER dismissed JEDI’s request for regulatory appeal, based on its determination that JEDI was not an “eligible person” under section 38 of the Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”) and therefore not eligible to request a regulatory appeal.

Request for Regulatory Appeal by Longshore Resources Ltd.

In this decision, the AER considered Longshore Resources Ltd.’s (“Longshore”) request for a regulatory appeal of the AER’s decision to refuse to issue Longshore a formal disposition (the “Decision”) for a Licence of Occupation (“LOC”).

Longshore’s request for regulatory appeal was opposed by the AER Oil and Gas Northwest staff (“OGNW”).

The AER granted Longshore’s request for a regulatory appeal.

Husky Oil Operations Limited and Gibson Energy Inc. – Regulatory Appeals of an Environmental Protection Order Issued (AER Decision 2018 ABAER 007)

The AER dismissed the requests for regulatory appeal filed by Husky and Gibson pursuant to section 39(4) of Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”).

The AER panel found that the regulatory appeals of both Husky and Gibson were moot because the EPO was cancelled. There was no longer an appealable decision before the panel and no remedies under REDA that authorized the panel to grant these regulatory appeals. The AER stated that the proper venue for any dispute about allocation of financial liability for remediation costs is the civil court system, not the regulatory appeal process under REDA.

Request for Regulatory Appeal by Fort McKay First Nation of AER Decision 20171218A Approving Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. Tailings Management Plan (Regulatory Appeal No. 1905407)

In this decision, the AER considered Fort McKay First Nation’s (“FMFN”) request under section 38 of the Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”) for a regulatory appeal of the AER’s decision approving CNRL’s tailings management plan (“TMP”) application for the Horizon Oil Sands Processing Plant and Mine (the “Horizon Mine”) under its Oil Sands Conservation Act, RSA 2000, c. O-7 (“OSCA”) Commercial Scheme Approval No. 9752E (the “Horizon Approval”). The Decision was an amendment to the existing Horizon Approval (the “Decision”).

AER Decision Dismissing Request for Regulatory Appeal by Ken Cowles – Jupiter Resources Inc. Well Licences (Appeal No. 1849984)

In this decision, the AER considered Mr. Cowles’ requests under section 38 of the Responsible Energy Development Act (“REDA”) for regulatory appeals of the AER’s decisions to approve certain well licences (the “Licences”) issued to Jupiter Resources Inc. (“Jupiter”). The Licences were issued in December 2015, allowing Jupiter to drill and produce fourteen natural gas wells.

The AER determined that: (1) Mr. Cowles did not file a statement of concern in relation to the applications for which the Licences were issued; and (2) in any case, the record does not indicate that Mr. Cowles was directly and adversely affected by the AER’s decisions to issue the Licences.

The AER therefore dismissed the requests for regulatory appeals.

Request for Regulatory Appeal by Braun Land Owners (AER Appeal No. 1869031)

The AER found that the Landowners had not established that they may be directly and adversely impacted by the AER Decision issuing the Approval. The AER held that the Landowners are not an “eligible person” under REDA section 38 and therefore dismissed the appeal request pursuant to REDA section 39(4).