Link to Letter DecisionSection 118 Surplus Criterion, Liquified natural gas In this decision, the CER considered an application by Chevron Canada Limited (“Chevron”) pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act (“NEB Act”) for a 40-year licence to export...
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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
LNG Canada Development Inc. – Application to Extend Export Commencement Expiry Date, Licence GL-330
The NEB approved, pursuant to subsection 21(2) of the NEB Act and subject to GIC approval, the variance of Condition 3 of the Licence to reflect the 5-year extension to the expiry date for the commencement of exports.
Woodfibre LNG Export Pte. Ltd. Application for a 40-Year Licence to Export Natural Gas in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas (File OF-EI-Gas-GL-W157-2016-01 01)
The NEB decided to issue a 40-year Licence to Woodfibre, subject to Governor in Council approval, to export natural gas subject to the terms and conditions, included as an appendix to the decision.
Kitsault Energy Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas as as Liquefied Natural Gas (NEB Reasons for Decision)
The NEB granted the Export Licence to Kitsault as applied for, in addition to relieving Kitsault of filing information requirements for gas export licence applications set out in Section 12 of the National Energy Board Act Part VI (Oil and Gas Regulations).
NewTimes Energy Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (NEB Reasons for Decision)
The NEB granted the Export Licence to NewTimes consistent with the determinations set out in this decision.
AltaGas DCLNG General Partner Inc., on behalf of AltaGas DCLNG Lease Limited Partnership Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas Reasons for Decision
The NEB granted the Export Licence to AltaGas DCLNG as applied for.
Canada Stewart Energy Group Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas Reasons for Decision
The NEB issued a 25-year licence to Canada Stewart, subject to the approval of the Governor in Council, to export natural gas under the terms and conditions of the approval.
LNG Canada Development Inc. Application for a 40-Year Licence to Export Natural Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas – Reasons for Decision
NEB approved the application and issued an 40-year liquified natural gas export licence to LNG Canada.
Cedar 1 LNG Export Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
As part of the conditions of the Licence, the NEB approved a 15 percent annual tolerance, noting that the maximum term quantity of the Licence is inclusive of the 15 percent tolerance amount. The NEB also accepted the request for a sunset clause of 10 years in length, noting it to be generally consistent with NEB practice.
Pembina NGL Corporation and Pembina Resource Services Canada and Pembina Infrastructure and Logistics LP Application for a Licence to Export Propane
The NEB granted the export licence to Pembina as applied for.
Stolt LNGaz Inc. Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
The NEB found that Stolt’s LNG export assumptions, whereby not all LNG volumes for export would materialize, was reasonable.
Steelhead LNG (A-E) Inc. Applications for Licence to Export Natural Gas, in the form of Liquefied Natural Gas
Download ReportLicence to Export LNG Steelhead LNG (A) Inc., Steelhead LNG (B) Inc., Steelhead LNG (C) Inc., Steelhead LNG (D) Inc., Steelhead LNG (E) Inc. (collectively “Steelhead”) each applied to the NEB pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act...
Saint John LNG Development Company Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licence and the Import Licence to Saint John as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Saint John would be surplus to Canadian needs.
GNL Québec Inc. Application for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licence to GNL Québec as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, finding that the quantity of gas to be exported by GNL Québec would be surplus to Canadian needs.
Bear Head LNG Corporation Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas; Pieridae Energy (Canada) Ltd. Application for a Licence to Export and Import Natural Gas
The NEB issued the Export Licences and the Import Licences to Bear Head and Pieridae as requested, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Bear Head and Pieridae would be surplus to Canadian needs.
Orca LNG Ltd. Application, dated 4 September 2014, for a Licence to Export Gas as Liquefied Natural Gas (July 27, 2015 Letter Decision)
The NEB issued the licence to Orca LNG, subject to approval of the Governor in Council, having found that the quantity of gas to be exported by Orca LNG would be surplus to Canadian needs.
Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc. 29 July 2014 Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas National Energy Board Reasons for Decision (June 30, 2015 Letter Decision)
Download ReportExport Licence - LNG The NEB released its decision in respect of Quicksilver Resources Canada Inc.’s (“Quicksilver”) application pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act for a licence to export liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) for a period...
Changes to Natural Gas Export Licence Term under Part VI of the National Energy Board Act – Consultation on Proposed Regulatory Amendments (June 29, 2015)
Download ReportNEB Seeking Input – NEB Act Amendment The NEB released a letter to interested parties, announcing that the Economic Action Plan 2015 Act received Royal Assent on June 23, 2015, which amended the National Energy Board Act to allow for the issuance of...
WesPac Midstream – Vancouver LLC Application for a Licence to Export Natural Gas (Letter Decision)
Download ReportExport Licence - LNG WesPac Midstream – Vancouver LLC (“WPMV”) applied to the NEB pursuant to section 117 of the National Energy Board Act (the “NEB Act”) for a licence to export natural gas as liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) for a term of 25 years, with...
Woodside Energy Holdings Pty Ltd. 18 July 2014 Application for a Licence to Export Liquefied Natural Gas (January 29, 2015 Letter Decision)
Download ReportLicence Application – LNG Woodside Energy Holding Pty Ltd. (“Woodside Energy”) applied to the NEB for a licence to export liquefied natural gas (“LNG”) from an export point near Grassy Point, British Columbia pursuant to section 117 of the National...