Link to Bulletin Summarized Oil and Gas - Applications The AER released a new edition of Directive 065: Resources Applications for Oil and Gas Reservoirs (“Directive 065”). The new edition includes references to the Geothermal Resource Developments Rules and the...
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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
FortisAlberta Inc. Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct Compliance Plan – Extension to Communication and Training Exemption, AUC Decision 27887-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedFacilities - ConsultationApplicationFortisAlberta Inc. (“FortisAB”) applied for an extension of the conditional exemption granted in Decision 23089-D01-2018 from section 7.2 of the FortisAlberta Inc. Inter-Affiliate Code of Conduct...
Enforcement Staff of the Alberta Utilities Commission Settlement Agreement with the City of Calgary – Enforcement and Administrative Penalty, AUC Decision 27854-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedMarkets - EnforcementApplicationAUC Enforcement staff requested approval of a settlement agreement with the City of Calgary (“Calgary”). In Proceeding 26615, Calgary disclosed confidential information on the public record on two occasions...
Hilda Wind G.P. Inc. Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Hilda Wind Power Plant, AUC Decision 28019-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation – MarketsApplicationHilda Wind G.P. Inc. (“Hilda Wind”) filed an application under the Fair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation (“FEOCR”), seeking permission to share records not available to the public related to the...
Enforcement Staff of the Alberta Utilities Commission Settlement Agreement with ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd., AUC Decision 27948-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedMarkets - EnforcementsApplicationTCB Welding & Construction Ltd. (“TCB”), a customer of ATCO Gas and Pipelines Ltd. (“AGP”), filed a complaint with AUC Enforcement staff (“Enforcement Staff”) concerning a delay in accessing a high-use...
AESO Approval of Proposed New Section 201.10 of the ISO Rules, New Alberta Reliability Standards, and Retirement of Existing Alberta Reliability Standards, AUC Decision 27990-D01-2023
Link to Decision SummarizedElectricity - RulesApplicationAs required by s 19(4)(b) of the Transmission Regulation, the Alberta Electric System Operator (“AESO”) forwarded a recommendation to the AUC to approve the following changes to the Alberta Reliability...
Oldman 2 Wind Farm Limited Application for Order Permitting Sharing Records not Available to Public Regarding the Oldman 2 Wind Farm and Wintering Hills Wind Power Plant, AUC Decision 27537-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFair, Efficient and Open Competition Regulation – Sharing of RecordsApplicationOldman 2 Wind Farm Limited (“Oldman 2”) applied for the preferential sharing of records that are not available to the public between Oldman 2, Exus North American...
Swan Hills Geothermal Power Corporation Application for an Order Permitting Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the Co-produced Geothermal Power Plant, AUC Decision 27508-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation - MarketsApplicationSwan Hills Power filed an application seeking permission to share records not available to the public relating to the 21-megawatt Co-produced Geothermal Power Plant between Swan Hills Power and URICA...
Enfinite Corporation Application for an Order Permitting the Sharing of Records Not Available to the Public Regarding the eReserve3 Battery Energy Storage Power Plant, AUC Decision 27475-D01-2022
Link to Decision SummarizedFEOC Regulation - MarketsApplicationEnfinite Corporation (“Enfinite”) filed an application seeking permission to share records not available to the public related to the 22-megawatt (“MW”) eReserve3 Battery Energy Storage Power Plant between...
Travers Solar GP Ltd. Application for Order to Permit Sharing Records Unavailable to Public Btwn. Travers Solar GP Ltd., Travers 2 Solar LP and URICA Energy Real Time Ltd., AUC Decision 26970-D01-2021
Link to Decision SummarizedMarket Oversight and Enforcement - FEOCIn this decision, the AUC approved the application from Travers Solar GP Ltd. (“Travers Solar”) for an order permitting it to share records pertaining to the electricity and ancillary services markets...
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2022 System Access Service Phase 2 Application, AUC Decision 26836-D01-2021
Link to Decision SummarizedRates - AESO TariffIn this decision, the AUC approved the application from EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (“EDTI”) to modify its 2022 system access service (“SAS”) rate design. The modification includes a monthly non-coincident...