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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.

Office of the UCA Review and Variance of Decision 2941-D01-2015: Regulated Rate Tariff and Energy Price Setting Plans – Generic Proceeding: Part B – Final Decision (Decision 20419-D01-2015)

The review panel found that the UCA had not raised a reasonable possibility that the hearing panel committed an error of fact, law or jurisdiction that could reasonably lead the Commission to materially vary or rescind its findings in Decision 2941-D01-2015. The review panel found that the grounds for review advanced by the UCA did not satisfy the test set out in Section 6 of Rule 016 and the application for review was denied.

Kingman Application for Permission to Cease and Discontinue Operations; FortisAlberta Inc. Sale and Transfer of the Kingman Rural Electrification Association (Decision 20552-D01-2015)

the AUC determined that the sale of Kingman’s assets to Fortis was in the public interest.
The AUC granted Kingman’s application to cease to operate under section 29 of the HEEA, provided that the facilities are transferred to Fortis. The AUC ordered the transfer of the Kingman service area to Fortis pursuant to section 32 of the HEEA, and further directed Kingman to sell (and Fortis to purchase and operate) Kingman’s assets in accordance with the asset purchase agreement. The AUC found that the purchase price was prudent and consistent with prior approvals.

ENMAX Power Corporation 2014 Phase I distribution Tariff Application and 2014-2015 Transmission General Tariff Application Compliance Filing (Decision 20124-D01-2015)

The AUC found that EPC reflected the effects of Decision 2191-D01-2015 in its compliance filing, and therefore complied with Direction 14. The AUC determined that it would exercise its discretion pursuant to section 29(7) of the Alberta Utilities Commission Act to approve the distribution and transmission rates on an interim basis pending the outcome of the appeal proceedings.

Mr. Yanke and Mr. Huebner Noise Complaints Oldman 2 Wind Farm (Decision 3521-D01-2015)

The AUC found that the Wind Farm was not in compliance with Rule 12, and ordered Mainstream to: (a) Immediately restrict operations of the wind turbines contributing to the non-compliance until otherwise ordered by the AUC; (b) File a letter with the AUC by August 5, 2015 confirming that the operations have been restricted, and detailing the measures taken to achieve compliance with Rule 12; and (c) File a new comprehensive sound level survey at the Yanke and Huebner residences if Mainstream applies to rescind the restricted operating conditions.

Summary of Capital Tracker Application Decisions (March 2015)

Download ReportCapital Tracker In March, 2015, the AUC released the following three decisions related to capital tracker applications:(a) Decision 3220-D01-2015 regarding FortisAlberta Inc. (“FAI”) 2013-2015 PBR Capital Tracker Application;(b) Decision 3218-D01-2015...