Download ReportReview Application – Facilities – Standing The Métis Nation of Alberta (“Métis”) filed an application pursuant to Rule 016: Review of Commission Decisions (“Rule 16”) with the AUC seeking a review of the AUC’s ruling which denied the Métis standing in...
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These articles by our expert team cover the details of various decisions made by the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER), Alberta Utilities Commision (AUC), and Canada Energy Regulator (CER). Browse our searchable archive below to learn more about the results we’ve achieved for our clients.
ENMAX Energy Corporation 2015-2016 Regulated Rate Option Non-Energy Tariff Application (AUC Decision 20480-D01-2016)
The AUC directed ENMAX to re-file its 2015-2016 RRO tariff to reflect the AUC’s findings in this decision, and to do so on or before May 30, 2016.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2015-2017 Transmission Facility Owner Tariff and 2013 Generic Cost of Capital Compliance Application (AUC Decision 21229-D01-2016)
The AUC approved EDTI’s TFO revenue requirements of $93,867,000 for 2015, $99,816,130 for 2016, and $98,591,311 for 2017, as filed. The AUC also approved EDTI’s TFO rates and terms and conditions over the same period, as filed.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2015-2017 Transmission Facility Owner Tariff and 2013 Generic Cost of Capital Compliance Application (AUC Decision 21229-D01-2016)
The AUC approved EDTI’s TFO revenue requirements of $93,867,000 for 2015, $99,816,130 for 2016, and $98,591,311 for 2017, as filed. The AUC also approved EDTI’s TFO rates and terms and conditions over the same period, as filed.
Alberta Electric System Operator 2016 ISO Tariff Update (AUC Decision 21302-D01-2016)
The AUC approved the AESO 2016 ISO Tariff update for Rate DTS, Fort Nelson demand transmission service (Rate FTS), demand opportunity service (“Rate DOS”), export opportunity service (Rate XOS), export opportunity merchant service (Rate XOM), primary service credit (Rate PSC), supply transmission service (Rate STS), Rider J and Section 8 costs for 2016, effective April 1, 2016.
Proceeding 790 – AUC ruling on AESO Implementation Plan and Response to Clarification Requests
The AUC found that the AESO’s proposed steps to calculate loss factors were reasonable, subject to any determinations the AUC may make based on any further consultation between the AESO and stakeholders.
Livingstone Landowners Guild Decision on Preliminary Question Application for Review of Decision 2009-126 (AUC Decision 20846-D01-2016)
Download ReportReview Application – Needs Identification Document The Livingstone Landowners Guild (“LLG”), a group of landowners located in southern Alberta in the Oldman River watershed, east of the Livingstone Range, applied to the AUC pursuant to Section 2 of AUC...
Direct Energy Regulated Services 2012-2016 Default Rate Tariff and Regulated Rate Tariff Compliance Filing (AUC Decision 20785-D01-2016)
The AUC ordered that DERS’ RRT schedules, as well as the terms and conditions were approved on a final basis, effective April 1, 2016.
ENMAX Generation Portfolio Inc. ENMAX Downtown District Energy Centre 3.3-Megawatt Natural Gas-Fired Power Plant (AUC Decision 21247-D01-2016)
With respect to EGPI’s compliance with section 95 of the Electric Utilities Act, the AUC held that because EGPI did not submit confirmation of its compliance with section 95 of the Electric Utilities Act, the project could only be approved on the condition that EGPI must file the independent assessment and authorization of the Minister of Energy with the AUC confirming compliance with Section 95 of the Electric Utilities Act.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2013-2014 AESO Deferral Account Reconciliation True-Up Rider (AUC Decision 21290-D01-2016)
The AUC approved EDTI’s proposed Rider J in the amount of a refund of $8.99 million, effective July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2013-2014 AESO Deferral Account Reconciliation True-Up Rider (AUC Decision 21290-D01-2016)
The AUC approved EDTI’s proposed Rider J in the amount of a refund of $8.99 million, effective July 1, 2016 to September 30, 2016.
Request for Review and Variance of Decision 20598-D10-2016 AltaLink Management Ltd. and TransAlta Corporation Time Extension Request for Transmission Lines 909L and 1043L (AUC Decision 21291-D01-2016)
The AUC held that the requested variations were in keeping with the broader public interest considerations in Decision 20598-D10-2015, and granted the requested variances.
Recommendation to Reject for Adoption of NERC Reliability Standards: New Versions of NERC Reliability Standards and Intra-Balancing Authority Transaction Identification (AUC Decision 21075-D02-2016)
The AUC held that the Transmission Regulation requires that the AESO forward reliability standards along with a recommendation that the AUC either adopt or reject the reliability standard. The AUC held that implicit in the AESO’s responsibilities is to tender a copy of the reliability standard itself.
Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate Review of Decision 20271-D01-2015: FortisAlberta Inc. Disposition of Land in High River (AUC Decision 20990-D01-2016)
The AUC concluded that the UCA had not raised a reasonable probability that the hearing panel’s reasons disclosed an error which could lead the AUC to materially vary or rescind the decision in questions. The AUC therefore declined to review Decision 20271-D01-2015.
ATCO Utilities Evergreen II Application – Compliance Filing to Decision 2014-169 (Errata) (AUC Decision 3378-D01-2016)
ATCO Gas, ATCO Pipelines and ATCO Electric Ltd. (collectively, “ATCO”) submitted a compliance filing based on the direction in Decision 2014-169 respecting ATCO’s 2010 Evergreen application.
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2014 PBR Capital Tracker True-Up and 2016-2017 PBR Capital Tracker Forecast (AUC Decision 20555-D01-2016)
The AUC directed ATCO to update the 2016 and 2017 forecast amounts of $48.2 million and $61.1 million in the compliance filing to this decision.
EDF EN Canada Development Inc. Blackspring Ridge Wind Power Plant Supplementary Post-Construction Comprehensive Noise Study for Receptor Location LM5 (AUC Decision 21203-D01-2016)
Download ReportWind – Noise Study EDF EN Canada Development Inc. (“ECDI”) asked the AUC to consider whether its post-construction comprehensive noise study complied with AUC Rule 012: Noise Control (“Rule 12”).ECDI received approval from the AUC to modify the...
EPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. 2014-2018 Energy Price Setting Plan Compliance Filing (Decision 20342-D02-2016)
The AUC approved EEA’s compliance filing to Decision 2941-D01-2015 as filed, with the exception of the backstop supply mechanism, for which EEA was directed to file a new application in Proceeding 20342.
FortisAlberta Inc. 2014 PBR Capital Tracker True-Up and 2016-2017 PBR Capital Tracker Forecast (Decision 20497-D01-2016)
The AUC directed EDTI to file a compliance filing in accordance with the directions in this decision on or before March 16, 2016.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2014 PBR Capital Tracker True-Up and 2016-2017 PBR Capital Tracker Forecast (20407-D01-2016)
The AUC directed EDTI to file a compliance filing in accordance with the directions in this decision on or before March 16, 2016.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2014 PBR Capital Tracker True-Up and 2016-2017 PBR Capital Tracker Forecast (20407-D01-2016)
The AUC directed EDTI to file a compliance filing in accordance with the directions in this decision on or before March 16, 2016.
TransAlta MidAmerican Partnership Sundance 7 Power Plant Time Extension (AUC Decision 21062-D01-2016)
The AUC held that TAMA Power provided information on the need, nature and duration of the time extension as being minor in nature. The AUC also held that the requested change to reporting intervals for pre-construction activities was reasonable, and granted TAMA Power’s request.
Finlay Group Complaint Regarding FortisAlberta Inc. Distribution Line Rebuild Project (AUC Decision 20799-D01-2016)
The AUC dismissed the complaint by the Finlay Group, and stated that Fortis may proceed with the distribution line rebuild as planned.
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2016 Interim Transmission Facility Owner Tariff (AUC Decision 21051-D01-2016)
The AUC approved ATCO’s 2016 TFO tariff on an interim basis at $63.2 million per month, effective January 1, 2016 until otherwise directed by the AUC.
AltaLink Management Ltd. 2010-2011 Direct Assign Capital Deferral Account Audit of Southwest Transmission Project (AUC Decision 2044-D01-2016)
In finding that AltaLink’s decision making was not imprudent, the AUC held that AltaLink’s claimed costs for the SW Project were therefore approved as filed.
Alberta Electric System Operator – 2013 and 2014 Deferral Account Reconciliation (Decision 20866-D01-2016)
The AUC approved the AESO’s deferral account reconciliation application as filed.
Alberta Electric System Operator Needs Identification Document; ENMAX Power Corporation Facility Application – Foothills Area Transmission Development in the South of Calgary (Decision 3386-D01-2016)
The AUC approved the AESO’s NID application as filed, and approved ENMAX’s Project application along the preferred route.
Remington Development Corporation v ENMAX Power Corporation (2016 ABCA 6)
The ABCA denied leave to appeal, finding that Remington had not established that it had a meritorious argument of law.
AltaLink Management Ltd. 2016 Interim Transmission Facility Owner Tariff (Decision 21168-D01-2015)
Download ReportInterim Tariff AltaLink Management Ltd. (“AltaLink”) applied for approval of its 2016 interim transmission facility owner (“TFO”) tariff. AltaLink requested to continue recovering its 2015 interim TFO tariff as approved in Decision 3504-D01-2015,...
ATCO Power Ltd v Alberta Utilities Commission, (2015 ABCA 405)
The ABCA held that since ATCO did not demonstrate a serious, arguable point, the application for permission to appeal was dismissed.
FortisAlberta Inc. 2016 Annual Performance-Based Regulation Rate Adjustment Filing (Decision 20818-D01-2015)
The AUC ordered that the Fortis’ 2016 rates, options and riders, set out in Appendix 5 of the decision be approved effective January 1, 2016 on an interim basis.
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2016 Annual Performance-Based Regulation Rate Adjustment Filing (Decision 20822-D01-2015)
Download ReportPerformance-Based Regulation Rate Adjustment ATCO Electric Ltd. (“ATCO”) applied to the AUC for approval of its 2016 annual performance-based regulation (“PBR”) rate adjustment filing, requesting approval of its electric distribution services rates,...
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2016 Annual Performance-Based Regulation Rate Adjustment Filing (Decision 20821-D01-2015)
Effective January 1, 2016, the AUC approved: (1) on an interim basis, the 2016 distribution access service tariff for EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. (EDTI); (2) on a final basis, the system access service tariff; (3) the 2016 Balancing Pool Rider G; (4) EDTI’s distribution access service terms and conditions, distribution connection services terms and conditions, and 2016 distribution tariff policies.
ENMAX Power Corporation 2016 Interim Transmission Tariff (Decision 21017-D01-2015)
The AUC approved ENMAX’s request to continue with its 2015 transmission tariff on an interim and refundable basis.
Alberta Electric System Operator 2016 Balancing Pool Consumer Allocation Rider F (Decision 21031-D01-2015)
The AUC held that, according to section 82(6)(a) of the EUA, it must approve the annualized amount without modification.
AltaLink Management Ltd. Transmission Line 423L (Decision 3450-D01-2015)
The AUC found that the Application met the requirements of Rule 007, and was in the public interest. The AUC therefore granted AltaLink approval to construct the Project along the preferred route with the landowner suggested route option.
Application of ENMAX Energy Corporation for Permission to Appeal AUC Proceeding 790, Decision 790-D03-2015
ENMAX Energy Corporation (“ENMAX”) filed an application for permission to appeal AUC Decision 790-D03-2015.
ENMAX Power Corporation 2014 Annual Transmission Access Charge Deferral Account True-up Application (Decision 20754-D01-2015)
The AUC approved ENMAX’s net TACDA rider collection of $3,796,899, effective January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2016, as filed.
AltaLink Management Ltd. Alberta Transmission Facility Owner Terms and Conditions Compliance with Decision 2014-307 (Decision 20882-D01-2015)
The AUC determined that it would hear evidence on the status of the process to complete the alignment of the Alberta TFO T&Cs with the relevant AESO authoritative documents as part of AltaLink’s 2015-2016 general tariff application hearing. AltaLink’s 2015-2016 general tariff application is being heard in December 2015.
Alberta Electric System Operator 2015 ISO Tariff Update – Interim Approval (Decision 20753-D01-2015)
The AUC approved the application on an interim refundable basis to be effective January 1, 2016, noting that no parties objected to the approval on an interim refundable basis.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2013 Generic Cost of Capital Compliance Filing (Decision 20692-D01-2015)
The AUC further directed EDTI, beginning in 2015, to make its filings pursuant to AUC Rule 005: Annual Reporting Requirements of Financial and Operational Results using AUC-approved figures for ROE and debt and equity ratios.
EPCOR Distribution & Transmission Inc. 2013 Generic Cost of Capital Compliance Filing (Decision 20692-D01-2015)
The AUC further directed EDTI, beginning in 2015, to make its filings pursuant to AUC Rule 005: Annual Reporting Requirements of Financial and Operational Results using AUC-approved figures for ROE and debt and equity ratios.
FortisAlberta Inc. 2014 Annual Transmission Access Charge Deferral Account True-up (Decision 20666-D01-2015)
The AUC approved FAI’s application as filed, to refund $10.917 million to customers effective January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016 through a percentage-based transmission adjustment rider methodology to be determined as part of FAI’s 2016 annual PBR rate adjustment application.
ATCO Electric Ltd. 2014 Annual Transmission Access Charge Deferral Account True-up (Decision 20705-D01-2015)
The AUC approved ATCO’s application as filed, to refund $4.225 million to customers effective January 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016.
AESO Application for AESO 2015 Transmission Constraint Rebalancing Charge and Approval to Amend the ISO Tariff Pursuant to Decisions 2013-135 and 3528-D01-2015 (Decision 20623-D01-2015)
The AUC approved the AESO’s proposed ISO Tariff amendments to implement a TCR cost effective November 26, 2016 on a final basis.
AESO Request for Consent to Terminate the Reliability Management System Agreement and the Western Electricity Coordinating Council Reliability Criteria Agreement (Decision 20840-D01-2015)
The AUC accepted the AESO’s submissions, relying on the representations made by the AESO in finding that the Agreements were no longer needed.
City of Medicine Hat Modification to Electric Distribution Service Area (Decision 20828-D01-2015)
The AUC agreed with Medicine Hat, finding that the residential development of Desert Blume would be better served by a single electric distribution service provider. The AUC found that this would provide consistent service to affected residents, and would be in the public interest.
EPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. 2016 Interim Regulated Rate Tariff (Decision 20676-D01-2015)
Download ReportInterim Regulated Rate Tariff EPCOR Energy Alberta GP Inc. (“EEA”) applied for approval of its 2016 interim non-energy regulated rate tariff (“RRT”) effective January 1, 2016. EEA’s application was applicable to its 2016 RRT service provided to the...
Market Surveillance Administrator allegations against TransAlta Corporation et al. Phase 2 – request for consent order (Decision 3110-D03-2015)
Download ReportConsent Order – Disgorgement Payment – Monetary Penalty – Investigation and Hearing Costs In this decision, the AUC considered whether it was in the public interest to approve a consent order, proposed by the Market Surveillance Administrator (“MSA”)...
ENMAX Power Corporation Southwest Calgary Ring Road Transmission Line Relocation (Decision 20072-D01-2015)
ENMAX Power Corporation (“ENMAX”) filed applications with the AUC to alter and operate three 138-kilovolt (kV) transmission lines to accommodate construction of the Southwest Calgary ring road near Sarcee Trail and Glenmore Trail in Calgary, Alberta.